Le Flaneur Amsterdam
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De val van de imam - Saadawi, Nawal el - 1990 - Rainbow
Kingship and the gods - A study of ancient near eastern religion as the integrtion of society and nature - Frankfort, Henri - null - University of Chicago Press
Moses The Egyptian - The memory of Egypt in Western monotheism - Assmann, Jan - 1999 - Harvard University Press
Akhenaten - King of Egypt - Aldred, Cyril - 1996 - Thames and Hudson
Mummies onder het mes - Raven, Maarten J. - 1993 - De Bataafsche Leeuw
The oldest book in the world - Philosophy in the age of the pyramids - Manley, Bill - 2024 - Thames & Hudson
Egyptian Paintings (King Penguin 71) - Davies, Nina M. - 1954 - Penguin
Tutanchamun in Koln - Settgast, Jurgen et. Al. - 1980 - Philipp von Zabern
Life in Egypt in ancient times - Romant, Bernard - 1978 - Minerva
The Louvre - Egyptian Antiquities - Ziegler, Christiane - 1998 - Editions Scala
Cinés Méditerranée - Zaubitzer, Stephan - 2021 - Building Books
Tutankhamun - Paharaoh, icon, enigma - Tyldesley, Joyce - 2022 - headline
Egyptian art in Berlin - Masterpieces in the Bodemuseum and in Charlottenburg - Wildung, Dietrich - 1994 - Verlag Philipp von Zabern
uber Isis und Osiris - Zweite Teil, Die Deutungen der Sage - Plutarch - Hopfner, Theodor (ed.) - 1967 - Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft Darmstadt
Cardweaving in Ancient Egypt - (Le tissage aux cartoons et son utilisation decorative dans l'Egypte ancienne) - Gennep, Arthur van - Jequier, Gustave - Shapiro, Barbara (trans.) - 2010 - Own Publication
Vreemdeling in het dal der koningen - Joeja geidentificeerd als de Aartsvader Josef - Osman, Ahmed - 1987 - A. J. G. Strengholt
Histoire de l'art - 1. L'art antique - Faure, Elie (1873-1937) - null - Librairie Plon
Jaarbericht No 9 van het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Gezelschap Ex Orient Lux. - null - 1944 - E. J. Brill
The large landowning class and the peasantry in Egypt 1837 - 1952 - Abbas, Raouf - El-Dessouky, Assem - 2011 - Syracusa University Press
Voyage en Orient Tome 1: Europe Centrale/Egypte - Tome 2: Liban/Turquie - Nerval, Gerard de - 1964 - Julliard
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