Le Flaneur Amsterdam
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Bağlantının Bedelleri - Büyük Veri Çağında Veri Sömürgeciliği Tartışmalarına Bir Giriş - Couldry, Nick - Mejias, Ulises A. (eds.) - 2024 - nota bene
Yirmi Birinci Yüzyılda Anti-Kapitalist Olmak - Wright, Erik Olin - 2020 - nota bene
Secme ikilemi - Salecl, Renata - 2022 - Metis
Class and class conflict in an industrial society - Dahrendorf, Ralf - 1969 - Routledge & Kegan Paul
Creating a world without poverty - Yunus, Muhammad - 2007 - Public Affairs
le developpement inegal - Essais sur les formations sociales du capitalisme peripherique - Amin, Samir - 1978 - Les Editions De Minuit
Emancipation(s) - Laclau, Ernesto - 2007 - Verso
Peripherer Kapitalismus - Analysen uber Abhangigkeit und Unterentwicklung - Senghaas, Dieter (ed.) - 1974 - Suhrkamp
Weltwirtschaftsordnung und entwicklungspolitik - Pladoyer fur dissoziation - Senghaas, Dieter - 1977 - Suhrkamp
Kapitalistische weltokonomie - Kontroversen uber ihren Ursprung und ihre Entwicklungsdynamik - Senghaas, Dieter (ed.) - 1979 - Suhrkamp
Marxist Theory - Callinicos, Alex (ed.) - 1989 - Oxford University Press
Studies in the development of capitalism - Dobb, Maurice - 1978 - International Publishers
Beschaving, Economie en Kapitalisme 15de-18de Eeuw 3: De tijd van de wereld - Braudel, Fernand - 1999 - Contact
Beschaving, Economie en Kapitalisme 15de-18de Eeuw 2: Het spel van de handel - Braudel, Fernand - 1999 - Contact
Imperialism, pioneer of capitalism - Warren, Bill - 1988 - Verso
Apogée et déclin des sociétés d'ordres 1610-1787 - Pillorget, Suzanne - 1969 - Le Livre De Poche
Pouvoir politique et classes sociales I-II - Poulantzas, Nicos - 1978 - Maspero
Fredric Jameson - Marxism, Hermeneutics, Postmodernism - Homer, Sean - 1998 - Polity
Beschaving, Economie en Kapitalisme 15de-18de Eeuw 3: De tijd van de wereld - Braudel, Fernand - 1990 - Contact
Civilization and Capitalism 15th-18th Century Volume 1: The structures of everyday life - Braudel, Fernand - 2002 - Phoenix Press
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