Le Flaneur Amsterdam
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Body politics- Fingerprinting South African Contemporary Dance - Sichel, Adrienne C. - 2008 - Porcupine Press
Signs of the wild - A field guide to the spoor and signs of the mammals of southern Africa - Walker, Slive - 1987 - Struik
Conversations with myself - Mandela, Nelson - 2010 - Macmillan
Long walk to freedom - Mandela, Nelson - null - Little Brown
My traitor's Heart - Blood and Bad Dreams: A South African explores the madness in his country, his tribe and himseslf - Malan, Rian - 1991 - Vintage
Voetstappen in het moeras - Tlali, Miriam - 1992 - In De Knipscheer
De Nijl - Biografie van een rivier - Tvedt, Terje - 2022 - Wereldbibliotheek
De kleur van je hart - Krog, Antjie - 2000 - Mets & Schilt
A guide to the birds of East Africa - Drayson, Nicholas - 2009 - Penguin
Songs to an African sunset - Nzenza, Shand, Sekai - 1997 - Lonely Planet
The devil that danced on the water - A daughter's memoir - Forna, Aminatta - 2003 - Flamingo
To my children's children - An autobiography - Magona, Sindiwe - 1991 - The Women's Press
The black man's burden - Africa and the curse of the Nation-State - Davidson, Basil - 1996 - James Currey
Surrender or starve - Travels in Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia and Eritrea - Kaplan, Robert D. - 2003 - Vintage
In the footsteps of Mr Kurtz - Living on the brink of disaster in the Congo - Wrong, Michela - 2001 - 4Th Estate
Contemporary African arts and crafts - On-site working with art forms and processes - Newman, Thelma R. - 1974 - Crown Publishers
Traditional African Designs - Mirow, Gregory - 1997 - Dover
African Arts Magazine July 1976 - The arts of the Edo-speaking peoples (Volume IX, Number 4) - null - 1976 - African Studies Center
Cinés Méditerranée - Zaubitzer, Stephan - 2021 - Building Books
Sociologie d'une revolution - L'an V de la revolution algerienne - Fanon, Frantz - 1972 - Maspero
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